Advancedgift Plugin
AdvancedGift Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) is a Minecraft plugin designed to allow players to gift items to each other in a more sophisticated and interactive manner. This plugin adds an extra layer of social interaction and cooperation to the game, encouraging players to help each other and share resources.
- Send gifts over long distance! No tp requests needed!
- Players can send the item in their hand, or any amount they want, as long as they have that much!
- Players can send their own messages along with their gifts!
- Players can toggle their ability to receive gifts!
- Players can block specific players from sending them gifts!
- Ability for staff to spy on gift exchanges!
- Option to add gift cooldown!
- Options to censor messages!
- Option to restrict gifts between groups of worlds!
- Most gift activities are logged in the console!
- Almost entirely configurable!
- Can easily reload configuration without the need to restart the server!
- /gift [player] <amount | hand | all> <message>
Aliases:Â sendgift, giftsend
What it does:Â Send the target defined in first argument a gift, plus a message if included. The target must be online.
Second argument is an amount of the item to send, and is optional. “Hand” will send only the item in the hand. “All” will send all items in the inventory that match the item in the hand. “Amount” is an exact amount. It must be an integer above zero.
The rest of the arguments is for a message to send with the gift.â
- /togglegift
Aliases:Â gifttoggle, tg, gt
What it does:Â Affect your ability to receive gifts. Supports “on/off” and “enable/disable”. “On” and “enable” will enable your ability and allow everyone to send you gifts while it is enabled. “Off” and “disable” will disable your ability and prevent everyone from send you gifts while it is disabled.â
- /giftblock
Aliases:Â blockgift, gblock
What it does:Â Lets you block specific players from sending you gifts.â
- /giftunblock
Aliases:Â unblockgift, gunblock, ungblock
What it does:Â Unblock specific players, letting them send you gifts.â
- /giftblocklist
Aliases:Â gblocklist, gblist
What it does:Â Lists players you have blocked gifts from. Adding “clear” after the command will clear the block list.â
- /giftspy
Alias:Â gspy
What it does:Â Lets you spy on the gift exchanges to catch the inappropriate gifts and/or gift messages that got around the filter. Supports “on/off” and “enable/disable”.â
- /agreload
Alias:Â agr
What it does:Â Reload AdvancedGift’s config.
-Â Allow players to send gifts. Will fail if target doesn’t have permission to receive gifts.
-Â Allow players to receive gifts.
-Â Allow players to send messages along with their gifts.
-Â Allow players to spy on the gift exchanges.
- advancedgift.bypass.cooldown:Â Allow players to ignore the /gift cooldown.
-Â Allow players to bypass the interworld gift restriction and send gifts between groups of worlds.
-Â Allow players to send gifts regardless of whether either they or their targets are in a blacklisted world.
- advancedgift.bypass.vanish:Â Allow players to send gifts to vanished players.
- advancedgift.reload:Â Allow players to reload AdvancedGift’s config.
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your pluginâs directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.