Future Client
Future Client (1.12.2) is a very powerful and functional client for Anarchy Servers. With over 108 features below will satisfy all of you.
- AntiBots â Exempts Combat and Render modules from targeting bots.
- Aura â Attacks enemies.
- AutoArmor â Puts on armor.
- AutoBowRelease â Releases the bow at a specified server tick.
- AutoCrystal â Places and blows up End Crystals.
- AutoLog â Logs out at your desired health level.
- AutoObsidian â Surrounds yourself with obsidian.
- AutoPot â Throws an Instant Health potion under you.
- AutoSoup â Eats soup.
- AutoTotem â Replaces Totem of Undying in the off-hand.
- BowAim â Predicts enemies movement and aims at them when using a Bow.
- CopsAndCrims â Aimbot for Hypixel Cops and Crims.
- Criticals â Gives critical hits.
- SmoothAim â Aims smoothly at enemies.
- Trigger â Clicks for you when you are hovering over a target.
- AntiHunger â Causes you to not lose hunger even while sprinting.
- ClickTP â Teleport to the blocks you aim at.
- ColorSigns â Colored text using Minecraft color codes.
- FastUse â Eats and drinks faster.
- NewChunks â Find newly generated chunks.
- NoMineAnimation â Other players cannot see your block breaking animation.
- Orebfuscator â Turns fake ores from this plugin into real blocks.
- PacketFly â Fly slowly in any direction and through blocks.
- Phase â Makes solid blocks like liquid.
- PingSpoof â Spoof your ping to make it higher.
- PortalGodMode â After going through a portal you will no longer take damage.
- Reach â Gives you more entity and block reach.
- Regen â Heals you faster when you have the regeneration potion effect.
- Swing â Other players cannot see you swinging.
- Announcer â Sends chat messages about various actions.
- AntiAFK â Stops you from getting kicked for being AFK.
- AntiAim â Makes you look like a retard.
- AntiBookBan â Stops you from getting kicked while holding or opening a chest full of illegal items.
- AntiVanish â Shows in chat when a person is in /vanish.
- AutoAccept â Accepts teleport requests from friends instantly.
- AutoEat â Eats food automatically.
- AutoFish â Fishes automatically.
- AutoMount â Mounts ridable entities.
- AutoReconnect â Reconnect to the server to the server after getting kicked.
- AutoRespawn â Removes the death screen.
- ChestAura â Takes or throws items out from a chest without having to open a chest.
- ChestStealer â Takes or throws items out from a chest.
- Heaven â Moves you higher in the air when you die.
- InvCleaner â Throws out unnecessary items from the inventory.
- MiddleClick â Middle Click Friends.
- NoteBot â Plays music on noteblocks.
- NoteTuner â Tunes noteblocks for the NoteBot.
- Notifications â Sends notifications through the System Tray.
- SkinBlink â Toggles the skin layers.
- Sneak â Sneaks server sided. Also has an option for SafeWalk.
- Spammer â Spams in chat.
- Timer â Modifies the game speed.
- Translate â Translates all languages in chat to English. Also option to speak any language.
- TrueDurability â Displays the true durability on glitched items.
- XCarry â The crafting slots in your inventory become extra storage space.
- AntiLevitation â Prevents the levitation potion effect from functioning.
- AutoWalk â Presses the move forward key.
- BoatFly â Fly with ridable entities.
- ElytraFly â Increases the speed of flying with the Elytra and disallows falling.
- EntityControl â Increases riding entities jumping height and allows controlling without a saddle or carrot on a stick.
- EntitySpeed â Increases the speed of ridable entities.
- FakeLag â Abuses an exploit to save up packets and teleport you.
- FastFall â Step down blocks.
- FastSwim â Makes you swim faster.
- Flight â Allows you to fly in the air.
- HighJump â Jump way higher than a normal jump.
- IceSpeed â Increases the speed when moving on ice.
- Jesus â Walk on water.
- LongJump â Jump farther than normally.
- NoFall â You won’t take fall damage on AAC or Vanilla servers.
- NoSlow â No longer slow down when eating, blocking or while keeping the inventory open.
- Parkour â Jump at the edge of a block.
- Speed â Move faster than normally.
- Sprint â Holds down your sprint key.
- Step â Step up blocks.
- Velocity â Take the amount of velocity you want.
- Yaw â Locks view direction to one of the eight cardinal directions.
- BreadCrumbs â Draws a path from the places you have gone through.
- Chams â Changes the color of entities and makes them visible through walls.
- ESP â Draws an outline over entities and chests.
- ExtraTab â Improves player list tab visibility.
- Freecam â Ability to take a look from another perspective.
- Fullbright â Turns up brightness to see in the dark.
- NameProtect â Replaces names of friends with aliases in chat.
- Nametags â Draws nametags with armor over players.
- NoBob â No view bobbing.
- NoRender â Stops view obstructing and FPS loss caused by sprite, texture, and lighting updates.
- NoRotate â Stops server from setting your view angles.
- NoWeather â Disables raining.
- Search â ESP with tracer option to find diamonds, portals and other blocks.
- Seeker â Prop hunt block ESP.
- Skeleton â Renders a skeleton on players.
- SmallShield â Makes the shield smaller in your secondary hand.
- Tracers â Draws tracer lines to players.
- Trajectories â Shows the trajectory of ender pearls, snowballs and arrows.
- ViewClip â Makes F5 mode more usable.
- Waypoints â Shows directions to your desired coordinates.
- AutoMine â Holds down left click.
- AutoTunnel â Mines a 2 by 1 tunnel.
- Avoid â Makes you unable to walk into cactus and fire.
- FastPlace â Removes the right clicking delay.
- Fucker â Destroy beds, eggs or cakes.
- MultiTask â Allows mining and rowing the boat while eating.
- NoGlitchBlocks â Removes invisible blocks.
- Nuker â Survival nuker to mine out blocks.
- Scaffold â Places blocks underneath you.
- Speedmine â Mines blocks faster.
- Wallhack â Makes blocks transparent to see ores or other blocks.
- Add â Add a person as a friend.
- Remove â Remove a friend from the friend list.
- Breed â Breeds animals around you.
- Damage â Damages you.
- Dupe â Item duplication exploit for Vanilla servers. “.dupe hand|all”.
- Disconnect â Disconnects from the server you are playing on.
- FindStronghold â Throw Eye of Enders to locate strongholds.
- Drawn â Shows or hides a module from the arraylist.
- Grab â Grabs the server IP or coordinates.
- Help â Displays all the available commands.
- Toggle â Toggles a module.
- Vclip â Teleports you up or down.
- Hclip â Teleports you forward or backwards.
- Connect â Connects to a desired server IP.
- LoadSong â Loads a song for the NoteBot.
- DownloadSongs â Downloads the songs used by the NoteBot.
- WaypointsAdd â Adds a waypoint. Example: .wadd name x y z
- WaypointsRemove â Removes a waypoint. Example: .wremove name
- Destination â Set a destination to waypoints which overrides the Yaw module.
- Bind â Bind a module to a key. Example: .bind wallhack X.
- UnBind â Unbinds a module. Example: .unbind wallhack.
- Macro â Bind a macro to a key. Example: .macro add H /home base.
- ShutDown â Self-destructs the client.
- SpammerFile â Loads a .txt file for Spammer.
- OpenFolder â Opens the Future folder.
- Peek â Shows the insides of a Shulker box that you are holding..
- Pot â Throws a potion you are holding above you.
- Preset â Change the settings of a module to predefined settings.
- Rename â Change the module names.
- SetYaw â Sets the rotation yaw.
- Watermark â Change the name of the client.
- Rename â Change the name of modules.
- TranslateKey â Change the Yandex API key used by the Translate module.
- Runtime â Tells you how long the client has been running for.
- Prefix â Changes the chat commands prefix.
- Plugins â Finds out what plugins a server has.
- Modules â Lists all the modules.
- Legit â Disables all active modules.
- Save â Saves the config files.
- Reload â Reload the config files.
- Say â Says a message in chat. Example: .say /kill | .say .legit
- FindSign â Add signs with specific text to the Search module.
- EntityDesync â Useful for duping and godmode.
Client Showcases:
Java 7 or above
How to install:
For Official Launcher
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Client
For MultiMC Launcher
- Download the Future-Client-pkg-MultiMC below.
- Install loader.jar (after clicking edit paste stuff from future.json).
- Do the same for tweaker.jar but after clicking edit paste stuff from tweaker.json.
- Make sure the tweaker comes before the loader.
- Put auth_key into your %username%/Future folder (on windows it’s C:/Users/%username%/Future/auth_key).
- Run the game.
Future Client (1.12.2) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.12.2
For Official Launcher – Windows Installer: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For MultiMC Launcher: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2