Json Loot Bags Mod
Json Loot Bags Mod (1.12.2, 1.7.10) adds several types of bags with various drops to Minecraft. Now, when you kill a mob or player, such a bag might drop from them, containing a random amount of some resources. These bags can also be found in chests. 9 different bags that drop under various conditions. Take them in your hands and right-click to collect the loot.
- Since MC 1.9 it uses the new, build in, json based loot table system.
- Any .json files under config/JsonLootBags/bags, including in sub-directories, are added as new lootbag items. (File names don’t matter.)
- Any .json files under config/JsonLootBags/tables will be loaded as loot tables in the jsonlootbags resource domain. (The path + filename is the table name.)
Loot tables
- Loot tables can be super complex in 1.9, see the build in ones (can be found in /assets/minecraft/loot_tables/ for vanilla examples.) For more help, use online generators or the Minecraft wiki. If you want to send us a nice (preferably vanilla only) example to put here, let us know.
- You specify what loot table to use in the loot-table field, see below.
- If you spawn the itemstack with an NBT data field (float / number type) called luck it will be passed on to the loot table. You can use that to manipulate the drops a within 1 loot table. You are not required to use this, by default luck will be 0.
Json format
{ "loot-table": "minecraft:chests/village_blacksmith", // REQUIRED What loot table to use. See above. "name": "bag1", // REQUIRED Internal item name: alphanumerical and underscores only "human-name": "Example bag", // REQUIRED Human readable name. "texture": "jsonlootbags:bag", // Model file for item. Provide your own via resource pack if desired. Default is "jsonlootbags:bag" "rarity": "Epic", // Color of text. (Common, Uncommon, Rare, or Epic) "Common" is default. "effect": true, // Give item the 'enchanted' effect. Defaults to true if rarity is not common. "colors": [ // Colors to use on texture layers. Allows you to ship 1 model/texture and have multiple visuals. "0x90C3D4", // Every line is a number, but you can also encode it in a string and use the more common # or 0x notation. "#DB32DB" // Do not prefix the number with a 0. It will be interpreted as octal based! // If you use "0xFFFFFF" (white), it will have no effect. Use this if you want to skip a layer. ] }
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Json Loot Bags Mod (1.12.2, 1.7.10) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.7.10
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.10.2, 1.9.4
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.12.2
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2