Loot Slash Conquer Mod

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 is an immersive, action RPG mod inspired by the Legendary Hack/Mine mod. Explore large, randomly generated towers and dungeons, collect all different kinds of loot, and experience thousands of different weapon possibilities as you conquer the world of Minecraft.

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 1


  • Player classes and abilities, allowing you to diversify your playstyle.
  • Player stats which influence many different things, such as damage, health, attack speed, movement speed, mana, health regeneration, criticals, and much more.
  • Player leveling and experience system, allowing you to gain power as you level up.
  • Randomly generated weapons and armor, including levels, rarities, customized damage and armor values, and attributes.
  • New types of weapons and armor, including daggers, maces, staves, light/heavy armor, bows, and much more!
  • Custom monsters, each with their own unique attack, AI, and abilities.
  • Complex bosses with unique stages and abilities.
  • Procedurally generated dungeons and towers, offering truly amazing places to explore, loot, and conquer.
  • Massive hand-made boss dungeons, requiring you to traverse the entire dungeon before fighting the boss.
  • Tons of new items, such as scrolls, glyphs, and more.
  • Complex loot system, allowing you to find randomly generated loot all over the world, regardless of where it comes from.
  • Area leveling system – the world becomes much more difficult, but equally rewarding, the farther out you travel from spawn.
  • Randomly generated stats for all monsters which spawn in the world, which scale in difficulty according to the Area level.
  • Mod compatibility – modded weapons/armor will naturally work with LSC’s randomization and modded monsters will also get scaled with a level and tier.
  • And much more!


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Player Classes

  • When you first spawn into a world, you will be prompted with a Gui.
  • You have three different options when choosing a class: Warrior, Hunter, and Mage. Each of the different classes has different bonuses and different sets of abilities.


  • Warrior classes are primarily focused on physical attacking, while also specializing in high health and resistance. They often make very good tanks, though they can also deal a good bit of damage, making them a viable class for both singleplayer and multiplayer worlds.


  • Mage players are all about magic. Mages make very good ranged damage dealers through the use of wands and staffs, though some mage builds could include melee damage too. Mages also make excellent healers, though this is primarily a multiplayer only build.


  • Hunters are a very versatile class, considering they make very good melee and ranged damage dealers. They are typically very stealthy and are excellent at finishing off enemies. The one downside to Hunters is that they are fairly weak. You’ll have to decide whether or not to put points to increase health/resistance instead of extra damage or attack speed.

Player Stats:

Players will be able to upgrade their stats to increase many different bonuses. As you level up, you will gain Skill Points which can then be used to increase one of the six main stats:

  • Strength – focuses on physical damage and damage resistance.
    • For every Strength point, increase physical damage 2.
    • Resistance currently not calculated but will be soon.
  • Agility – focuses on movement speed and attack speed.
    • For every Agility point, increase movement speed by 0.001.
    • For every Agility point, increase attack speed by 0.1.
  • Dexterity – focuses on critical chance and damage as well as ranged damage.
    • For every 5 Dexterity points, increase Critical Chance by 0.05.
    • For every 2 Dexterity points, increase Critical Damage by 0.05.
    • Ranged Damage currently not calculated but will be soon.
  • Intelligence – focuses on magical power for both weapons and items.
    • For every Intelligence point, increase magical damage by 2.
  • Wisdom – focuses on mana and mana regeneration.
    • For every Wisdom point, increase total mana by 2.
    • Mana Regeneration currently not calculated but will be soon.
  • Fortitude – focuses on health and health regeneration.
    • For every Fortitude point, increase total health by 2.
    • Health Regeneration currently not calculated.

Player Abilities:

  • Each class will have their own, unique set of abilities which players can use to perform a wide variety of actions as well as add special bonuses. As the player, you will be able to pick 3 abilities from your class, along with an Ultimate ability. Each class also has three different ability “trees”. These trees will primarily focus on a specific action or style.

Weapons and Armor:

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Here is a list of all the weapons in which Loot Slash Conquer adds.

Melee Weapons

  • Wood Dagger
  • Wood Mace
  • Stone Dagger
  • Stone Mace
  • Iron Dagger
  • Iron Mace
  • Diamond Dagger
  • Diamond Mace

Magical Weapons

  • Wood Wand
  • Wood Staff
  • Gold Wand
  • Gold Staff
  • Diamond Wand
  • Diamond Staff

Ranged Weapons

  • Wooden Bow
  • Golden Bow
  • Iron Bow
  • Diamond Bow

Magical Runes

Magical Runes are not necessarily types of weapons, but they are the projectile that wands and staffs shoot. When a wand or staff is created, it will be randomly assigned a rune.

  • Fireball – fires a small fireball projectile.
  • Icebolt – fires a small icebolt projectile.
  • Lightning – fires a small lightning bolt projectile.
  • Firestorm – spews small fireball projectiles.
  • Blizzard – fires a cluster of icebolt projectiles.
  • Discharge – fires a large bolt of lightning.

Special Weapons

Special Weapons are the ultimate form of destruction. Legendary Special Weapons are the most coveted items within the mod due to their raw power. Here is a list of all Special Weapons within in the mod.

Melee Weapons:


  • Divine Rapier – Sword
    • Fire Damage: 5
    • Strength: 3
    • Durable: 30%
  • Requiem – Sword
    • Agility: 5
    • Dexterity: 5
    • Life Steal: 5%
    • Mana Steal: 5%
  • Shadowfall – Dagger
    • Dexterity: 10
    • Max Damage: +3
    • Life Steal: 15%
  • Doomshadow – Mace
    • Strength: 6
    • Fortitude: 4
    • Chained: 10
  • Golden Pummel – Mace
    • Fortitude: 10


  • Excalibur Rapier – Sword
    • Fire: 3
    • Frost: 3
    • Lightning: 3
    • Strength: 8
  • Alakaslam – Mace
    • Strength: 10
    • Fortitude: 10
    • Frost: 7
  • Annihilation – Dagger
    • Agility: 10
    • Dexterity: 10
    • Gold: 10
    • Life Steal: 10%
    • Mana Steal: 10%

Magical Weapons:


  • Blazefury – Wand
    • Fire: 3
    • Frost: 3
    • Lightning: 3
  • Moonlit Rod – Wand
    • Lightning: 5
    • Intelligence: 3
    • Wisdom: 3
  • Epilogue – Staff
    • All Stats: 2
    • Mana Steal: 25%


  • Gaze of Truth – Staff
    • Fire Damage: 5
    • Min Damage: +3
    • Fortitude: 5
    • Chained: 15
  • Visage of Wizardry – Wand
    • Intelligence: 10
    • Wisdom: 10
    • Mana Steal: 20%

Weapon Types:

Loot Slash Conquer also adds new types of weapons besides bows and swords, all of which serve a different purpose.

  • Daggers – daggers will typically have very quick attacks but lower damage.
  • Swords – swords are more balanced and will have average attack speeds and average damage.
  • Maces – maces will typically have very slow attacks but higher damage.
  • Bows – same old vanilla bows.
  • Wands – wands will typically have very quick magical attacks but lower damage.
  • Staffs – staffs will typically have very slow magical attacks but higher damage.


When you find an item in Loot Slash Conquer, there is a high chance that it will have randomized stats associated with it. This includes a random Rarity. Rarities are very important when it comes to weapons and armor as it changes a great deal about the stats of the weapon or armor. For example, higher rarity items will be stronger, quicker, and usually have more attributes than lower rarity items. If you happen to find a Legendary sword, chances are it will be one of your best swords for the next few levels! Here is a list of the different rarities within Loot Slash Conquer.

  • Common
  • Uncommon
  • Rare
  • Epic
  • Legendary


  • Weapons, armor, and different items are able to have different attributes added on to them when they are created. These attributes can increase your base stats, provide different bonuses, or add different types of damage. The amount of attributes on a specific item is directly tied to the rarity of the item, so higher rarity items will generally have more attributes.

Weapon Attributes

  • Strength – increases the amount of Strength skill points when in mainhand.
  • Agility – increases the amount of Agility skill points when in mainhand.
  • Dexterity – increases the amount of Dexterity skill points when in mainhand.
  • Intelligence – increases the amount of Intelligence skill points when in mainhand.
  • Wisdom – increases the amount of Wisdom skill points when in mainhand.
  • Fortitude – increases the amount of Fortitude points when in mainhand.
  • All Stats – increases the amount of all stat skill points when in mainhand.
  • Durable – increases the chance of not consuming a durability point when attacking.
  • Shiny – increases gold dropped from monsters (currently not implemented).
  • Fire – deals bonus fire damage which also sets the enemy on fire.
  • Frost – deals bonus frost damage which also slows the enemy down.
  • Lightning – deals bonus lightning damage which also weakens the enemy and drains their mana.
  • Poison – deals bonus poison damage which also poisons the enemy temporarily.
  • Life Steal – returns a percentage of damage dealt back in health.
  • Mana Steal – returns a percentage of damage dealt back in mana.
  • Min Damage – increases the minimum damage of the weapon.
  • Max Damage – increases the maximum damage of the weapon.
  • Chained – damages all enemies within the given radius.
  • Void – chance to instantly kill the enemy.

Armor and Jewelry Attributes

  • Strength – increases the amount of Strength skill points when in mainhand.
  • Agility – increases the amount of Agility skill points when in mainhand.
  • Dexterity – increases the amount of Dexterity skill points when in mainhand.
  • Intelligence – increases the amount of Intelligence skill points when in mainhand.
  • Wisdom – increases the amount of Wisdom skill points when in mainhand.
  • Fortitude – increases the amount of Fortitude points when in mainhand.
  • All Stats – increases the amount of all stat skill points when in mainhand.
  • Durable – increases the chance of not consuming a durability point when attacking.
  • Fire Resistance – increases the resistance to Fire damage.
  • Frost Resistance – increases the resistance to Frost damage.
  • Lightning Resistance – increases the resistance to Lightning damage.
  • Poison Resistance – increases the resistance to Poison damage.


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Monsters in Loot Slash Conquer have all been modified to be more deadly, including modded monsters. When a monster is spawned, it will be given a level to correspond with the level of the area it spawned in. It also will be given a randomized tier which greatly influences the stats of the monster. Higher tiered monsters have much more health and much more damage compared with lower tier monsters – regardless of level.


  • Normal
  • Hardened
  • Superior
  • Elite
  • Legendary

As of right now, only Attack Damage and Health have been modified, but different abilities or attributes might be added at a later point.

Monster List:

Here is a list of monsters that Loot Slash Conquer adds in. Each monster is given a rarity to determine how often it can be found in the wild. The rarities available for monsters are Common, Uncommon, and Rare. Some monsters might be given the status of Semi-Boss, which essentially means that its stats have been greatly increased and act similar to a named Boss.


  • Barbarians
  • Ghosts
  • Goblins
  • Mummies


  • Bandits
  • Banshees
  • Frozen Wight


  • Golems
  • Trolls
  • Wraiths


  • Pharaohs
  • Mini-Golems
  • Wraith Deathlords


Bosses in Loot Slash Conquer will be one of the biggest features within the mod. Bosses will be difficult to kill, having greatly increased stats, custom AI, and many different bonuses and abilities. There will likely only be a few Bosses in the mod due to the amount of work that goes into creating a single boss. A list of bosses and their abilities can be found below.

Corrupted Knight:

The Corrupted Knight is the first boss you should fight within Loot Slash Conquer. He will only spawn in his lair within the Corrupted Tower. He is primarily a melee enemy which has several different attacks and abilities.

The Corrupted Knight will have 3 different stages during the fight. Each stage will get progressively more difficult, as his attack damage and abilities will become stronger. Once the Corrupted Knight reaches 2/3 of his health, he will enter his second stage. The same can be said when he reaches 1/3 of his health, entering the final stage.

Stage 1

  • During Stage 1, the Corrupted Knight will primarily try and attack you with his melee weapon, however periodically, he will slam his weapon against the ground, stunning anyone within 15 blocks of him for a significant amount of time.

Stage 2

  • During Stage 2, the Corrupted Knight will begin to Ghost Knights to aid him in the fight. Ghost Knights are fairly quick and can deal a lot of damage, however they are fairly weak. He will summon 1-3 of them every few seconds. Furthermore, the Corrupted Knight will get a slight speed boost as well as a significant damage boost.

Stage 3

  • During Stage 3, the Corrupted Knight will become extremely aggressive, periodically charging towards you. If you get caught in his path, you will be knocked back and stunned for a significant amount of time, while taking a significant amount of damage. Ghost Knights will not spawn during this stage. The Corrupted Knight will also get another significant boost to damage and will become resistant to being knocked back as far as before.

World Generation:

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Loot Slash Conquer will add several different structures which will spawn in the Overworld, Nether, and The End. These structures are somewhat small, but can contain some pretty good loot and maybe a challenge or two. A list of structures can be found here, separated by dimension.

  • Abandoned House
    • Several different variants.
    • Abandoned Houses are small, abandoned structures which usually contain some form of loot. They are very common throughout the world.
  • Shrine
    • Few different variants.
    • Shrines are small structures which usually are accompanied by a few monsters but almost always contain loot. They are fairly common throughout the world.
  • Ancient Ruins
    • Several different variants.
    • Ancient Ruins are bigger structures which almost always have monsters and always have loot. They are fairly uncommon throughout the world.
  • Towers
    • A few different variants.
    • Towers are usually tall structures which contain a decent amount of loot. They are fairly common throughout the world.


  • Towers are a more common form of a dungeon, typically holding powerful semi-bosses and decently rare loot. They are randomly generated to have random floors so each tower is entirely different. At the top of each Tower is a treasure room, however, to access it, you must kill the semi-boss found at the top as well as fetch the key from the bottom. After the semi-boss is killed and you’ve obtained the key, the treasure room will open up. The treasure room will contain pretty rare loot as the reward for defeating the tower.


  • Dungeons are large, typically underground structures which contain many different rooms to explore and loot, as well as a lot of surprises. Dungeons are typically home to semi-bosses and contain a ton of loot. However, dungeons are usually very difficult. The monsters inside usually spawn at an abnormally high level and at higher quantities.
  • Dungeons are procedurally generated, so every kind of dungeon you come across will be different from the rest. This also means some dungeons could be smaller and not even contain a semi-boss while other dungeons might have a couple semi-bosses.


Baubles Items

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 2

Corrupted Tower

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 3

Custom Monsters

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 4

Monster Tier and Leveling

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 5

New Weapon Types

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 6

Player Information GUI

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 7

Random Item

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 8

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 9

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 10

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 11

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 12


Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 13

Special Weapons

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 14

Tower Dungeon Room

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 15

Tower Dungeon Room

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 16

Tower Dungeon Treasure Room

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 17

Tower Dungeon

Loot Slash Conquer Mod 1.12.2 (An Immersive, Action RPG Mod) 18


Minecraft Forge

Baubles Mod

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For Minecraft 1.12.2

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1.12.2 Mods

1.8.9 Mods

1.7.10 Mods

1.18.1 Mods

1.17.1 Mods

1.14.4 Mods

1.13.2 Mods

1.11.2 Mods

1.10.2 Mods

1.9.4 Mods

Minecraft Modpacks

1.19.4 Modpacks

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1.19.2 Modpacks

1.18.2 Modpacks

1.16.5 Modpacks

1.12.2 Modpacks

1.7.10 Modpacks

Forge Mods

Fabric Mods

Quilt Mods

Resource Packs

1.19.4 Resource Packs

1.19.3 Resource Packs

1.19.2 Resource Packs

1.18.2 Resource Packs

1.16.5 Resource Packs

1.15.2 Resource Packs

1.12.2 Resource Packs

1.8.9 Resource Packs

1.7.10 Resource Packs

1.18.1 Resource Packs

1.17.1 Resource Packs

1.14.4 Resource Packs

1.13.2 Resource Packs

1.11.2 Resource Packs

1.10.2 Resource Packs

1.9.4 Resource Packs


1.19.4 Shaders

1.19.3 Shaders

1.19.2 Shaders

1.18.2 Shaders

1.17.1 Shaders

1.16.5 Shaders


1.19.4 Maps

1.19.3 Maps

1.19.2 Maps

1.18.2 Maps

1.16.5 Maps

1.15.2 Maps

1.12.2 Maps

1.8.9 Maps

1.7.10 Maps

1.18.1 Maps

1.17.1 Maps

1.14.4 Maps

1.13.2 Maps

1.11.2 Maps

1.10.2 Maps

1.9.4 Maps

Data Packs

1.19.4 Data Packs

1.19.3 Data Packs

1.19.2 Data Packs

1.18.2 Data Packs

1.16.5 Data Packs

1.15.2 Data Packs

1.18.1 Data Packs

1.17.1 Data Packs

1.14.4 Data Packs

1.13.2 Data Packs


Mods & Addons

MCPE 1.19 Add-ons

MCPE 1.19 Mods

Texture Packs

MCPE 1.19 Texture Packs

MCPE 1.19 Resource Packs


MCPE 1.19 Maps


MCPE 1.19 Clients

Mod Menu Clients


MCPE 1.19 Shaders

Render Dragon Shaders


Skin Packs


1.19.4 Clients

1.19.3 Clients

1.19.2 Clients

1.18.2 Clients

1.16.5 Clients

1.12.2 Clients

1.8.9 Clients


1.19.4 Launchers

1.19.3 Launchers

1.19.2 Launchers

1.18.2 Launchers

1.16.5 Launchers

1.12.2 Launchers

1.7.10 Launchers


1.19.4 Seeds

1.19.3 Seeds

1.19.2 Seeds

1.18.2 Seeds



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Installation Guide

Mobs Wiki Guide

Seeds Wiki Guide

Biomes Wiki Guide

Status Effects Wiki Guide

Enchantments Wiki Guide

Materials Wiki Guide

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