Metroid Cubed 3 Mod
Metroid Cubed 3 Mod 1.10.2, 1.7.10 is a mod that adds in many items and mechanics from the Metroid game series, most notably the Metroid Prime Trilogy. Suit up, and prepare to fight for galactic peace. Metroid is a semi-popular game series from Nintendo, following the adventures of Bounty Hunter and all-around awesome person Samus Aran. Now you, too, can be Samus Aran in Minecraft.
Official sequel to Metroid Cubed 2 Mod.
New Mechanics
Energy/missile refills: These refills are dropped when a mob is killed. how much is dropped depends on the health and strength of the mob.
Suit Helmets
Wearing any powersuit helmet gives you infinite water breathing. Additionally, if Galacticraft is installed, wearing a powersuit helmet prevents damage from lack of oxygen.
Suit Boots
Wearing any pair of powersuit boots gives you a jump boost, as well as negates fall damage.
Suit energy
Energy tanks can be applied to powersuit chestplates. while a full set of armor is worn, damage taken is first applied to the energy stored in the armor, and then anything left over is taken from the player’s health. Conversion is 1/2 heart of damage = 5 energy units.
XRay visor: The XRay visor utilizes a shader to imitate the visor from Metroid Prime. When this visor is active, certain ores will be outlined by a color, similar to an x-ray mod.
Dark Visor: Using the dark visor will highlight creatures and ‘invisible platforms’ red.
Echo Visor: The Echo Visor sends out a ‘ping’ every two seconds, lighting up blocks and entities based on their distance. It also is supposed to have an outline, but that part isn’t working for me right now.
Lock-on feature:
pressing ‘V’ while looking at a mob causes you to ‘lock-on’ to that mob. This causes you to always face that mob, and seeking projectiles will first target that mob. You will lose the lock-on if the mob is too far away or moves out of sight e.g. behind a wall.
A player wearing the Phazon Suit can enter hypermode by entering a pool of liquid phazon, and a player wearing a PED suit with at least 1 energy tank can enter/exit hypermode by pressing ‘R’ to expend an energy tank. While in hypermode, the power beam becomes the powerful Hyper Beam, and rapid-fires phazon beams which normally deal out a whopping 10 hearts of damage. The world becomes black-and-white, except for phazon.
If using the PED suit for hypermode:
- Hypermode will automatically end after 25 seconds via the auto-vent feature.
- Phazon-based damage, and liquid phazon, will corrupt your hypermode.
- The large bar, called the ‘Phazon Meter’, shows how much phazon you have left for hypermode. Using the hyper beam decreases the bar. If your hypermode becomes corrupt, it will slowly fill up, and if it reaches full, you automatically die.
Gravity feature:
The gravity effect, given by the gravity/phazon suits, negates the effects of water on movement.
‘Breakable’ Blocks: You can apply a block’s texture and model by right-clicking with it. These blocks can be instantly destroyed by certain weapons (based on the default icon), regardless of the mobGreifing gamerule.
Logbook: pressing ‘X’ opens the logbook. the logbook holds useful information about suits and powerups – obtaining a suit or powerup will unlock it’s corresponding entry in the logbook.
Gunship GUI: when inside the gunship, the logbook is replaced with the ship GUI. clicking on a planet or galaxy allows you to zoom in on it, and clicking the same planet again will attempt to take you to that planet.
Nether Damage:
When not wearing a varia-enabled suit (any suit other than the basic powersuit), you will take constant damage in the nether.
Dark Aether:
When inside dark aether, and not inside a safe zone or wearing the light suit, you take constant damage. Wearing the dark suit cuts the damage by 80%.
Hazard Meter: Rises the closer you are to an environmental hazard. Does not work with MOST modded blocks from other mods, or with plants like cacti.
Crafting Recipes:
Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod
Starting out
Power Beam Upgrades
Suit Upgrades
Morph Ball Systems
Block/Item Model API (for Minecraft 1.10.2 only)
How to install:
Resource Packs (Optional):
Metroid Cubed 3 Mod 1.10.2, 1.7.10 Download Links
For Minecraft 1.7.10
For Minecraft 1.10.2
Metroid Cubed 3 Mod: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
Block/Item Model API: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2