Minecraft Java Edition 1 20 5 Preview And Changes Wiki Guide

1.20.5 is an upcoming minor update with no set release date. The update plans to add armadillos and wolf armor along with fixing many bugs.

Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 1



Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 2 Armadillo Scute

  • Dropped by armadillos periodically and when brushed.
  • Dispensers can be used to brush armadillo scutes off armadillos.
  • Can be used to craft wolf armor.

Spawn Egg

  • Added Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 3 Armadillo spawn egg.

Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 4 Wolf Armor

  • Crafted with 6 armadillo scutes in a harness shape.
  • Protects wolves from damage.
    • Wolf Armor gives wolves the same protection level as Diamond Horse Armor.
  • Using wolf armor on an adult tamed wolf will equip the armor on the wolf, and using shears will make it drop the armor.
    • Only a wolf’s owner can put on / shear off wolf armor. That also excludes dispensers.
  • If a Wolf dies while wearing armor, it will drop the armor.


Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 5Armadillo

  • The winner of Minecraft Live 2023’s Mob Vote.
  • A passive mob that spawns in savanna and badlands biomes with the same frequency as chickens and pigs.
  • Has 12 (Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 6 × 6) health points.
  • Can drop armadillo scutes either periodically or when brushed, but drops no loot when killed.
    • Armadillos drop scutes at around the same rate as chickens lay eggs.
    • Brushing takes some durability from the brush.
  • Can be bred with spider eyes.
  • If an armadillo detects a threat, it will roll up.
    • Threats include:
      • A player sprinting.
      • A player in a vehicle or mounted.
      • Anyone it has been attacked by recently.
      • Undead mobs.
    • Special cases where an armadillo will not roll up include when it is:
      • Fleeing.
      • In water or in the air.
      • On a leash.
    • When an Armadillo is rolled up it cannot walk nor eat, and will not be tempted by food. Additionally, it will be protected by its shell, causing it to take reduced damage and completely negating damage from weaker attacks.
    • While rolled up, armadillos will continuously scan for threats. If no threats are detected for 3 seconds (60 ticks), it will unroll.


  • Added variants of wolves.
    • The familiar pale wolf now spawns in the taiga biome.
    • The rusty wolf spawns in the sparse jungle biome.
    • The spotted wolf spawns in the savanna plateau.
    • The black wolf spawns in old growth pine taiga.
    • The striped wolf spawns in wooded badlands.
    • The snowy wolf spawns in groves.
    • The ashen wolf spawns in the snowy taiga.
    • The woods wolf spawns in forests.
    • The chestnut wolf spawns in old growth spruce taiga.
    • Wolves spawned with the wolf spawn egg will spawn as the variant associated with the biome the egg is used in. They default to pale wolf in any other biome.
    • Different wolf types will spawn with different pack sizes.

Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 7

Command format


  • New command that triggers a transfer of a player to another server.
  • Only exists on dedicated servers.
  • Syntax: /transfer <hostname> [<port>] [<players>]
    • hostname: String describing the hostname of the server to connect to.
    • port: Integer denoting the port number of the server to connect to.
      • If omitted, 25565 is used.
    • players: The players to transfer.
      • If omitted, @s is used.

Item modifiers

  • Added minecraft:set_components function.
    • Adds or replaces the given component on the input item.
    • conditions: list of conditions (default: []):
      • Conditions to check before applying the function.
    • components: map of component id to component value (format varied by id).
      • Components with a ! prefix (e.g. "!minecraft:damage": {}) will cause this component to be removed.
  • Added minecraft:copy_components function.
    • Copies components from a specified source onto an item.
    • This is now used in the Vanilla pack in place of the minecraft:copy_name and minecraft:copy_nbt functions.
    • conditions: list of conditions (default: []):
      • Conditions to check before applying the function.
    • source: source type to pull from.
      • Currently, can only and must be "block_entity".
    • components: list of component ids to copy.



  • Added generic.fall_damage_multiplier attribute to multiply overall fall damage amount.
    • Default is 1, and the valid range is from 0 to 100.
  • Added generic.gravity attribute that controls blocks/tick^2 acceleration downward.
    • Default is 0.08, and the valid range is from -1 to +1.
  • Added generic.safe_fall_distance attribute to control the fall distance after which the entity will take fall damage.
    • Default is 3, and the valid range is from -1024 to +1024.
  • Added the generic.scale attribute.
    • Allows changing the size of any mob to anywhere between 0.0625 and 16 times their default size.
  • Added the generic.step_height attribute.
    • Determines the max height in blocks where a mob can walk above without jumping.
    • Default is 0.6, and the valid range is from 0 to 10.
  • Added player.block_break_speed attribute that acts as a multiplier over block breaking speed for players.
    • The valid range is from 0 to 1024.
  • Added the player.block_interaction_range and player.entity_interaction_range attributes.
    • Determines the maximum range a player can interact with blocks and entities, respectively.
    • They both range between 0 and 64, with the default value being 4.5 for blocks and 3 for entities.

Entity predicate

  • Added entity sub-predicate slots, used to check single or multiple slots on any entity.
    • For slot ranges, only one slot needs to match for whole entry to pass
    • The field contains a map of slot names (same as ones used in item commands) to item predicate

Game rule

  • Added spawnChunkRadius to set the size of the spawn chunks.
    • Defaults to 2, equivalent to 3×3 entity ticking chunks.
    • Possible values are 0 to 32, where 0 completely disables the spawn chunks and 10 is equivalent to the functionality before this change.


  • Added new slot names:
    • container.*: contains container.0 to container.53.
    • hotbar.*: contains hotbar.0 to hotbar.8.
    • inventory.*: contains inventory.0 to inventory.26.
    • enderchest.*: contains enderchest.0 to enderchest.26.
    • villager.*: contains villager.0 to villager.7.
    • horse.*: contains horse.0 to horse.14.
    • weapon.*: contains weapon.mainhand, and weapon.offhand.
    • armor.*: contains armor.head, armor.chest, armor.legs, armor.feed, and armor.body.
    • player.cursor: item held by player on screen except creative mode.
    • player.crafting.0, player.crafting.1, player.crafting.2, player.crafting.3, and player.crafting.*: player’s crafting slots

Loot Tables

  • Added gameplay/panda_sneeze loot table for drops when pandas sneeze.


  • Added “Menu Background Blurriness” in Accessibility Settings.
    • Defaults to 50%.


  • Added vault_connection particle, which shows up when near a vault.


  • Added transfer packets.
    • Custom servers can now request that clients connect to another server with a new packet.
    • When a client is transferred, it will connect to the target server with a new transfer intent (id 3).
    • By default, servers will not accept incoming transfers and will disconnect the client.
      • This can be changed by setting the accepts-transfers property to true in the server.properties file.
    • Resource packs are maintained across transfers.
    • In the case of a transfer, custom servers can skip authentication with a new flag.
  • Added cookie packets.
    • Cookie packets allow custom servers to request and store data on a client.
      • Each cookie may be up to 5 KiB in size.
      • Cookies may be requested during login, configuration and play phases — but only stored during the configuration and play phases.
    • Cookies are persisted across server transfers but are not persisted when the player disconnects.
      • This allows servers to pass along information such as authentication or custom game data to the new server.
  • Added an option to configure how region file compression algorithm is handled on dedicated servers.
    • Added a dedicated server configuration property region-file-compression with 3 possible values:
      • deflate, the default option. Uses the old algorithm.
      • lz4 uses LZ4 algorithm, which requires less CPU time to compress and decompress but uses more disk space.
      • none does not compress the data.
        • Consumes significantly more space and requires significant time to read and write, even though CPU is used less.
        • Might make sense together with filesystem level compression.
    • Changing the compression algorithm will not automatically recompress the world.
      • New or updated chunks will use the newly configured algorithm, but the old ones will stay in the previous format.
  • Added a reserved region file compression id for third-party servers to use for custom compression implementations.
    • Compression id 127 can now be used for custom implementations of region file compression.
    • When used, the version id must be followed by a namespaced string representing the custom algorithm used.


  • Added the following block tags:
    • #armadillo_spawnable_on: contains #animals_spawnable_on, #badlands_terracotta, red_sand, and coarse_dirt
      • Controls which blocks the Armadillo can spawn on.
    • #badlands_terracotta: contains terracotta, white_terracotta, yellow_terracotta, orange_terracotta, red_terracotta, brown_terracotta, and light_gray_terracotta
    • #does_not_block_hoppers: contains beehive, and bee_nest
      • Controls which blocks will never disable a hopper when placed above one.
  • Added the following damage type tag:
    • #bypasses_wolf_armor: contains #bypasses_invulnerability, cramming, drown, dry_out, freeze, in_wall, indirect_magic, magic, outside_border, starve, thorns, and wither
      • Controls which damage types bypass Wolf Armor.
  • Added the following entity type tags:
    • #aquatic: contains axolotl, cod, dolphin, elder_guardian, glow_squid, guardian, pufferfish, salmon, squid, tadpole, tropical_fish, and turtle
    • #arthropod: contains bee, endermite, silverfish, spider, and cave_spider
    • #ignores_poison_and_regen: contains #undead
      • Controls which entities cannot be affected by Poison and Regeneration effects.
    • #illager: contains evoker, illusioner, pillager, and vindicator
    • #illager_friends: contains #illager
      • Controls which entities that illagers will consider allies (unless on a different team).
    • #inverted_healing_and_harm: contains #undead
      • Controls which entities that have inverted meanings of the Healing and Harm effects.
    • #not_scary_for_pufferfish: contains cod, dolphin, elder_guardian, glow_squid, guardian, pufferfish, salmon, squid, tadpole, tropical_fish, and turtle
      • Controls which entities will not cause pufferfish to puff.
    • #sensitive_to_bane_of_arthropods: contains #arthropod
      • Controls which entities are sensitive to Bane of Arthropods.
    • #sensitive_to_impaling: contains #aquatic
      • Controls which entities are sensitive to Impaling.
    • #wither_friends: contains #undead
      • Controls which entities that the Wither will not target and which cannot harm the Wither.
  • Added the following item tags:
    • #chest_armor: contains leather_chestplate, chainmail_chestplate, golden_chestplate, iron_chestplate, diamond_chestplate, and netherite_chestplate
    • #dyeable: contains leather_helmet, leather_chestplate, leather_leggings, leather_boots, leather_horse_armor, and wolf_armor
    • #enchantable/foot_armor: contains #foot_armor
    • #enchantable/leg_armor: contains #leg_armor
    • #enchantable/chest_armor: contains #chest_armor
    • #enchantable/head_armor: contains #head_armor
    • #enchantable/armor: contains #enchantable/foot_armor, #enchantable/leg_armor, #enchantable/chest_armor, and #enchantable/head_armor
    • #enchantable/weapon: contains #swords, and #axes
    • #enchantable/sword: contains #swords
    • #enchantable/mining: contains #axes, #pickaxes, #shovels, #hoes, and shears
    • #enchantable/mining_loot: contains #axes, #pickaxes, #shovels, and #hoes
    • #enchantable/fishing: contains fishing_rod
    • #enchantable/trident: contains trident
    • #enchantable/durability: contains #foot_armor, #leg_armor, #chest_armor, #head_armor, elytra, shield, #swords, #axes, #pickaxes, #shovels, #hoes, bow, crossbow, trident, flint_and_steel, shears, brush, fishing_rod, carrot_on_a_stick, and warped_fungus_on_a_stick
    • #enchantable/bow: contains bow
    • #enchantable/equippable: contains #foot_armor, #leg_armor, #chest_armor, #head_armor, elytra, #skulls, and carved_pumpkin
    • #enchantable/crossbow: contains crossbow
    • #enchantable/vanishing: contains #enchantable/durability, compass, carved_pumpkin, and #skulls
    • #foot_armor: contains leather_boots, chainmail_boots, golden_boots, iron_boots, diamond_boots, and netherite_boots
    • #head_armor: contains leather_helmet, chainmail_helmet, golden_helmet, iron_helmet, diamond_helmet, netherite_helmet, and turtle_helmet
    • #leg_armor: contains leather_leggings, chainmail_leggings, golden_leggings, iron_leggings, diamond_leggings, and netherite_leggings
    • #skulls: contains player_head, creeper_head, zombie_head, skeleton_skull, wither_skeleton_skull, dragon_head, and piglin_head




  • No longer accepts items with  unbreakable component but do not have an enchantment.
    • If the item above has durability, it can be repaired with an unbreakable item and the output will not inherit  unbreakable component. If the order is swapped, and the item will not be either repaired or disenchanted. If the only item in the slots is an enchanted unbreakable item, it will be disenchanted and  unbreakable component will remain.
  • No longer disenchants two enchanted books at the same time.


  • Improved hopper performance.
  • Hoppers will no longer try to pick up item entities if there is a full block placed above it.
    • Can, however, still pick up items from beehives and bee nests.

Player Head

  • Now stores item name in custom_name tag.
  • NBT tag SkullOwner and ExtraType is replaced with profile to keep a consistent format with the item component form.



  • Now count will be stored again when there is only 1 item.
    • Defaults to 1 if this field is invalid.

Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 8 Turtle Scute

  • Renamed Scute to Turtle Scute.



  • FactorCalculationData has been removed from mob effect instance tags.

Bees and Parrots

  • Adjusted their flying behavior to keep them from overshooting their position when flying up and down.

Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 9  Cave Spider & Spiders

  • Are now scared of armadillos not in a rolled up state.


  • Replaced  ArmorItem with  body_armor_item.


  • Replaced  DecorItem with  body_armor_item.

Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 10 Shulker

  • Are no longer able to destroy armor stands.

Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 11 Wolf

  • Changes to tamed wolves:
    • Now have 40 Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 12 × 20 instead of 20 Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 13 × 10.
    • No longer take half damage from most environmental sources like they used to do.
    • Feeding a wolf now heals twice as many health points.
    • Now only take knockback from snowballs from snow golems, like other mobs, instead of taking damage.
  • Now have tag  body_armor_item to store the armor they are wearing.
  • The texture of the wolf collar layer has been changed.
  • Now spawns on coarse dirt and podzol blocks.
  • Now spawns in Sparse Jungle, Savanna Plateau, and Wooded Badlands biomes.
  • When summoned using spawn eggs or commands, the variant selection now follows the natural spawning biome rules with the following extensions:
    • Rusty Wolf will be selected in all jungle biomes, including Jungle and Bamboo Jungle.
    • Spotted Wolf will be selected in all savanna biomes, including Savanna and Windswept Savanna.
    • Striped Wolf will be selected in all badlands biomes, including Badlands and Eroded Badlands.

Non-mob entities

Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 14 Llama Spit

  • They now use a new damage type spit instead of mob_projectile.
  • Are no longer able to destroy armor stands.

World Generation


  • Rabbits, wolves, and foxes are now the only animals spawning in the grove biome.



  • Armadillos are now required for the “Two by Two” advancement.
  • The “The Parrots and the Bats” advancement can be granted by breeding armadillos now.

Creative mode

  • Ctrl+pick blocking a renamed block (such as a chest) in Creative mode will now give a renamed item.


  • The projectile weapon enchantments Infinity, Flame, Multishot, Piercing, Power, and Punch now work on both crossbows and bows, if placed onto the alternative weapon using data manipulation or a change to the enchantable/* tags.
  • Sharpness, Smite, and Bane of Arthropods can now be applied to axes through an enchanting table, rather than only through an anvil.
  • Thorns can now be applied to helmets, leggings, and boots through an enchanting table, rather than only through an anvil.

End portal

  • When entities leave or enter the end, the area they arrive in will now stay loaded for 15 seconds, matching the behavior of nether portals.

Spawn chunks

  • The size of the spawn chunks changed from radius 10 (19×19 entity ticking chunks) to radius 2 (3×3 entity ticking chunks).
    • This was done to reduce memory usage, loading times and CPU usage.
    • The developers opted to not fully remove spawn chunks to allow players who currently utilize this functionality to continue to do so.



  • The default focus is now always set when entering or exiting any menu while navigating using tab or arrow keys.


  • Renamed horse.jump_strength to generic.jump_strength, and now applies to all entities.
    • This controls the base impulse from a jump (before jump boost or modifier on block).
    • Default is 0.42, and the valid range is from 0 to 32.

Create New World screen

  • Renamed “Allow cheats” to “Allow commands”.
    • Also applies to “Open to LAN” menu.

Data Pack

  • The version is now 35.
  • The minecraft:sweeping enchantment has been renamed to minecraft:sweeping_edge.
  • Added Advancement Criteria trigger default_block_use which triggers due to the default interaction of a block by a player, such as opening a door.
  • Added Advancement Criteria trigger any_block_use which triggers due to any type of interaction with a block by a player, such as using an item on the block or its default usage.


  • The background texture of the small effect UI has been changed.
  • The former behavior of effects such as Jump Boost, Levitation, and Mining Fatigue over 127 has been replaced with new attributes.


  • Status effect particle colors are no longer blended into one particle color.
    • All active visible status effect particles are now rendered separately.
    • The frequency of emitting status effect particles has been lowered to clutter the screen less.


  • Can now specify item component.

Resource Pack

  • The version is now 29.
  • The ttf font provider transforms have been adjusted to have more reasonable defaults.
    • shift is no longer applied double, and now directly represents a number of pixels in the game UI.
    • The font EM square is fitted to size pixels in the game UI, instead of between the font ascender and font descender.
    • The font baseline is positioned consistently with the default font (7 pixels below line top).
    • This means that generally, any font with a size of 9 and no shift should look correct by default.


  • Removed position_color_normal and position_tex_lightmap_color shaders.
  • Replaced position_tex_color_normal shader with rendertype_clouds.


  • Added coarse_dirt, and podzol to #wolves_spawnable_on.


  • No longer appears when hovering outside the containing element.


  • The UI has been updated to sport a fresher look and to be more consistent when it comes to the layout of different UI elements, all while retaining the essence and feel of the old screens.
  • The menu background dirt texture has been replaced by a darkened background.
    • The dirt texture has been moved to the Programmer Art resource pack.
    • Outside the game, the menu panorama is displayed across all screen.
    • In the game, the world will be visible across all screens.
    • Paired with the darkened background is a blur.
      • The strength of the blur can be configured in Accessibility Settings.
      • In-game screens such as containers and books are not affected by these changes.
  • Screen elements such as titles and buttons are positioned more consistently across different screens.
  • The Player and World Backups screens in Realms have been updated.
  • Lists now have clearer borders at the top and bottom.
  • After defeating the ender dragon and entering the end portal, the End Poem and credits are now displayed with a background based on the animated End Portal effect.


  • Added an option to use a faster region file compression algorithm on dedicated servers.
    • Added a dedicated server configuration property region-file-compression with 2 possible values:
      • deflate, the default option. Uses the old algorithm.
      • lz4 uses LZ4 algorithm, which requires less CPU time to compress and decompress but uses more disk space.
    • Changing the compression algorithm will not automatically recompress the world.
      • New or updated chunks will use the newly configured algorithm, but the old ones will stay in the previous format.
  • Introduced changes to optimizing worlds.
    • Optimizing singleplayer worlds and running dedicated server with forceUpgrade now also upgrades contents of entities and poi directories of the world.
    • New recreateRegionFiles dedicated server startup parameter.
      • It will trigger world optimization similar to forceUpgrade, but will also rewrite all the chunks independently of whether they have been upgraded.
      • This will create fresh and defragmented region files.
      • Using this parameter after changing the region-file-compression server property will recompress all region files in the new format.
  • Improved server TPS debug chart.
    • As before, it is accessible by pressing F3 + 2 in a Singleplayer world.
    • The bottom dark red section of the chart displays the time spent during the main logic of the server tick. It is equivalent to the value displayed in the old chart.
    • The light brown section displays time spent on running scheduled tasks.
    • The purple section displays time spent executing all other code during the tick.
    • The top light green (or yellow or red depending on lag) section displays time spent idling, waiting for next tick.
    • The min, avg, max aggregate values are based on the sum of the first 3 sections.
  • Reduced time needed to generate explorer maps to buried treasures.


These additions and changes only take effect when the Update 1.21 experimental data pack is enabled, the exception to this is the change to villagers, which takes effect when the Villager Trade Rebalance experimental data pack is enabled.



Heavy Core

  • A mysterious, dense block which can be combined with a breeze rod to craft a mace.
  • Can be found as a loot reward in vaults.
  • When placed, it has the same size as a player head, and can be oriented in 12 directions.
  • Mining a heavy core is slow – it takes 45 seconds to mine and has no correct tool.
  • Are fully resistant to explosions.
  • Will beak immediately if pushed by a piston.

Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 15 Vault

  • A block containing loot that can be unlocked with trial keys.
    • Found throughout trial chambers.
    • Using a trial key on a vault unlocks it, making it eject loot.
  • Can be unlocked by an unlimited amount of players.
    • It can be only activated once per player. After a player has unlocked a vault, they cannot unlock that vault again.
    • If a player has not unlocked that vault before, an orange stream of particles will flow from the player to the vault when nearby.
  • Has a keyhole that will be open or closed depending on the players nearby.
    • If any nearby player has not unlocked that vault, the keyhole will be open.
    • If all nearby players have unlocked that vault, the keyhole will be closed.
  • Within its cage, it will cycle through and display items which are possible to eject from its loot table.
  • The rewards it ejects are randomized from its loot table each time it is unlocked.
    • The player will get no more than 1 unstackable item per vault.
    • The player will more often get rewards which can stack together.
  • Cannot be crafted or obtained in Survival, and does not drop anything when mined.
  • Explosion-resistant and cannot be moved.
  • Can eject:
    • Wind Charges
    • Bolt Armor Trim
    • Flow Armor Trim
    • Flow Banner Pattern
    • Guster Banner Pattern
    • Heavy Core
    • Honey Bottle
    • Arrow
    • Arrow of Poison
    • Golden Apple
    • Enchanted Golden Apple


Banner Patterns

  • Added two new banner patterns:
    • Flow Banner Pattern
    • Guster Banner Pattern

Breeze Rod

  • Dropped by the breeze.
  • Can be crafted into 4 wind charges.
  • Can be used with the heavy core to craft a mace.


  • A new heavy weapon that can be crafted from a breeze rod and a heavy core.
  • Using the weapon while falling can increase the damage output. The higher the player falls, the more damage is dealt.
    • This can be done by jumping towards the target and hitting them before the player hits the ground.
    • Successfully striking a target in this way will negate any damage accumulated from the fall, similar to how a wind charge works.
    • Other entities near the struck enemy will receive knockback.
  • Can not be enchanted.
  • Can be repaired with breeze rods using an anvil.
  • Can be used to mine cobwebs, dropping string.
  • Players can use a mace in combination with wind charges to launch up and deliver devastating smash attacks on their enemies.

Pottery Sherds

  • Added 3 new pottery sherds, that can be found on decorated pots inside of trial chambers:
    • Flow Pottery Sherd
    • Guster Pottery Sherd
    • Scrape Pottery Sherd

Smithing Templates

  • Added two new smithing templates, that are exclusively obtained from vaults:
    • Bolt Armor Trim
    • Flow Armor Trim

Spawn Egg

  • Added the Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 16 bogged spawn egg.

Wind Charge

  • It can now be obtained as an item by the player.
  • Breezes drop between 4-6 wind charges when killed.
  • When used it will fire off a wind charge projectile similar to the breeze’s.
  • A wind charge fired by a player will grant 10% more knockback than a breeze’s, but have a much smaller area of impact.
  • Just like the projectile fired by the breeze, wind charges fired by the player also deal damage if they hit an entity directly, and they activate redstone components.
  • There is a half-second cooldown after each use.
  • Wind charges can be fired from a dispenser.
  • Players that launch themselves with a wind charge only accumulate fall damage below the y-level of where they collided with the wind burst.


Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 17 Bogged

  • A new variant of skeletons that shoot poisonous arrows.
    • They’re faster to take down with 16 Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 18 × 8 health instead of 20 Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 19 × 10 health.
    • They attack at a slower interval of 3.5 seconds instead of 2 seconds.
  • Has a chance to drop Arrows of Poison when killed by players.
  • These mossy and mushroom covered skeletons spawn naturally in swamps and mangrove swamps.
    • Can also be found spawning from trial spawners in some trial chambers.



  • Added the following block tag:
    • #blocks_wind_charge_explosions: contains barrier, and bedrock
      • Controls which blocks are not impacted by the explosion when hit by wind charge.
  • Added the following entity type tags:
    • #deflects_projectiles: contains breeze.
    • #no_anger_from_wind_charge: contains bogged, breeze, skeleton, stray, zombie, husk, spider, cave_spider, and slime.



Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 20 Crafter

  • The top face of the crafter is no longer mirrored.

Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 21 Trial Spawner

  • Trial spawners now have the same two default loot tables as they have in the trial chamber.
  • No longer ignore the custom_spawn_rules field.
  • Will now appear more frequently in the trial chambers corridors.


Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 22 Trial Key

  • Can now be used to open vaults.
  • Texture changed to match the vaults.


Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 23 Breeze

  • Breezes now deflect all projectiles.
    • Deflected projectiles now deflect in the direction of the shooter.
  • Added sounds for projectile deflection, ‘charging up attack’, the Breeze being in the air, and a ‘whirl’ idle sound.
  • Tweaked the existing sounds.
  • Separate eyes textures have merged into the head.
  • The texture for the bottom faces of breeze’s rods was changed.
  • Is now aggressive toward iron golems in addition to players.
  • No longer retaliates against attacks from skeletons, strays, zombies, husks, spiders, cave spiders, and slimes. These mobs will not retaliate when damaged by a breeze.
  • Drops 1-2 breeze rods when killed by a player.
    • The number of breeze rods dropped is affected by looting enchantments.

Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 24 Parrot

  • Can now imitate bogged sounds.

Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 25 Villager

  • In the Villager Trade Rebalance experiment, villagers who buy armor now ignore durability and can buy damaged armor.

Non-mob entities

Wind Charge

  • Updated the model, texture, and animation, to give it a more dynamic look and feel.
  • They now use a new damage type wind_charge instead of mob_projectile.

World generation

Trial Chambers

Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.5 Preview And Changes - Wiki Guide 26

  • The spawners that used to spawn skeletons holding poison arrows now spawn bogged.
  • Added new chambers and variations, with new challenges
    • Remade chamber_9, and renamed it to slanted.
    • Remade chamber_3, and renamed it to pedestal.
  • Added flow, guster, and scrape pottery sherds to the decorated pots in the decor structure pool.
  • Changed the layout of the blocks around vaults.



  • Killing a bogged now counts for the “Monster Hunter” advancement.
  • Bogged are now required for the “Monsters Hunted” advancement.



  • Added vault to the #features_cannot_replace block tag.
  • Added bogged to the #skeletons entity type tag.
  • Removed the #deflects_arrows and #deflects_tridents tags.


1.19.4 Mods

1.19.3 Mods

1.19.2 Mods

1.18.2 Mods

1.16.5 Mods

1.15.2 Mods

1.12.2 Mods

1.8.9 Mods

1.7.10 Mods

1.18.1 Mods

1.17.1 Mods

1.14.4 Mods

1.13.2 Mods

1.11.2 Mods

1.10.2 Mods

1.9.4 Mods

Minecraft Modpacks

1.19.4 Modpacks

1.19.3 Modpacks

1.19.2 Modpacks

1.18.2 Modpacks

1.16.5 Modpacks

1.12.2 Modpacks

1.7.10 Modpacks

Forge Mods

Fabric Mods

Quilt Mods

Resource Packs

1.19.4 Resource Packs

1.19.3 Resource Packs

1.19.2 Resource Packs

1.18.2 Resource Packs

1.16.5 Resource Packs

1.15.2 Resource Packs

1.12.2 Resource Packs

1.8.9 Resource Packs

1.7.10 Resource Packs

1.18.1 Resource Packs

1.17.1 Resource Packs

1.14.4 Resource Packs

1.13.2 Resource Packs

1.11.2 Resource Packs

1.10.2 Resource Packs

1.9.4 Resource Packs


1.19.4 Shaders

1.19.3 Shaders

1.19.2 Shaders

1.18.2 Shaders

1.17.1 Shaders

1.16.5 Shaders


1.19.4 Maps

1.19.3 Maps

1.19.2 Maps

1.18.2 Maps

1.16.5 Maps

1.15.2 Maps

1.12.2 Maps

1.8.9 Maps

1.7.10 Maps

1.18.1 Maps

1.17.1 Maps

1.14.4 Maps

1.13.2 Maps

1.11.2 Maps

1.10.2 Maps

1.9.4 Maps

Data Packs

1.19.4 Data Packs

1.19.3 Data Packs

1.19.2 Data Packs

1.18.2 Data Packs

1.16.5 Data Packs

1.15.2 Data Packs

1.18.1 Data Packs

1.17.1 Data Packs

1.14.4 Data Packs

1.13.2 Data Packs


Mods & Addons

MCPE 1.19 Add-ons

MCPE 1.19 Mods

Texture Packs

MCPE 1.19 Texture Packs

MCPE 1.19 Resource Packs


MCPE 1.19 Maps


MCPE 1.19 Clients

Mod Menu Clients


MCPE 1.19 Shaders

Render Dragon Shaders


Skin Packs


1.19.4 Clients

1.19.3 Clients

1.19.2 Clients

1.18.2 Clients

1.16.5 Clients

1.12.2 Clients

1.8.9 Clients


1.19.4 Launchers

1.19.3 Launchers

1.19.2 Launchers

1.18.2 Launchers

1.16.5 Launchers

1.12.2 Launchers

1.7.10 Launchers


1.19.4 Seeds

1.19.3 Seeds

1.19.2 Seeds

1.18.2 Seeds



Bukkit Plugins

Spigot Plugins

Paper Plugins


Installation Guide

Mobs Wiki Guide

Seeds Wiki Guide

Biomes Wiki Guide

Status Effects Wiki Guide

Enchantments Wiki Guide

Materials Wiki Guide

Command Blocks

