More Creatures Mod

More Creatures Mod 1.12.2 adds over 29 mobs, everyone of them will have unique abilities and all of them will spawn all around your world. All these creatures will be hostile towards players, villagers and iron golems.

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Screenshots and Features:

Items & Blocks:

  • Fake Gold Block – can be dropped by Gold hoarder is basically useless.
  • Quick Sand – will make mobs sink though it and fall to the ground.
  • Poison Quick Sand – will make mobs sink though it also poisons them and will make them fall to the ground.
  • Fire Block – works like magma block, will set everyone on fire.
  • Ender Block – will teleport all mobs to random location when they will stand on this block(doesn’t work on players).
  • Ice Block – will give slowness 4 and mining fatigue 4 to anyone who will stand on it.

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Ancient Magma Crate – works like lucky block and can drop any fire related item or block or even cause some chaos, will spawn in nether temples.

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Ancient Ice Crate – works like lucky block and can drop any ice related item or block or even cause some chaos, will spawn in ice temples.

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Ancient End Crate – works like lucky block and can drop any ender related item or block or even cause some chaos, will spawn in ender temples.

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  • Fake Gold Ingot – Useless.
  • Fire Shard – can be used in many recipes like Trident, Fire Sword and Fire Block will burn enemies.
  • Ender Shard – can be used in recipes like Ender Sword and Ender Block will make mobs teleport away.
  • Freezing Shard – can be used in recipes like Freezing Sword and Freezing Block will freeze mobs.
  • Fire Imp’s Wing – what does it do?
  • Infernal Beast’s Eye – not sure what does this do as well?
  • Broken Demonic Trident – you can fix it and then you may defeat almost anyone!
  • Demonic Trident – Behold the burning power surges though you, you will burn enemies , launch fireballs on right click and knock them really far.
  • Fire Sword – has 1000 uses and will burn enemies on attack.
  • Ender Sword – has 1000 uses and will teleport mobs away on attack.
  • Freezing Sword – has 1000 uses and will freeze enemies on attack.
  • Wooden Head Cutter (will make mobs like creeper , skeleton, zombie or wither skeleton drop their head) – has 5% chance to cut their head.
  • Stone Head Cutter (will make mobs like creeper , skeleton, zombie or wither skeleton drop their head) – has 10% chance to cut their head.
  • Iron Head Cutter (will make mobs like creeper , skeleton, zombie or wither skeleton drop their head) – has 20% chance to cut their head.
  • Golden Head Cutter (will make mobs like creeper , skeleton, zombie or wither skeleton drop their head) – has 50% chance to cut their head.
  • Diamond Head Cutter (will make mobs like creeper , skeleton, zombie or wither skeleton drop their head) – has 40% chance to cut their head.
  • Ghast’s Helmet – Will allow you to shoot fireballs, simply hold shift and you will charge up and then shoot ghast fireballs to any position you will look at(gives fire resistance).
  • Magma Chestplate – Will allow you to burn mobs around you, simply hold shift and you will charge up and then you will set mobs on fire in random 5-10 blocks radius(gives fire resistance).
  • Warping Chestplate – Will allow you to teleport around , simply hold shift and you will charge up and then you will launch ender pearls to any area you will look at.
  • Slimy Boots – These boots will turn you into real beast as you will get ability to stomp anyone in your way , simply equip boots and you will start jumping and any mob that you will jump on will get stomped and will be dealt 10 attack damage and knocked back as well, to stop stomping just hold shift, you will not take any fall damage(Give speed and jump boost as well).
  • Winged Fire Boots – While holding shift you will glide down in the air and not take any fall damage, as well as get fire resistance.

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  • Charger has 20 health points, is fast and deals 3 damage per hit, also makes clicking sound on attack.
  • This creature is a mythical entity that can camuoflage it self to match the terrain around it.
  • On death it will drop seeds and it will spawn in most biomes, nether & end, during the day will have 10% chance to spawn and in the night 40% chance.

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  • Chester has 20 health has medium speed and will deal 5 damage per hit.
  • Story says that once upon a time player killed a witch and before death it managed to transfer her spirit into the chest and now it seeks revenge.
  • On death will drop chest, it will spawn in most biomes and will have 10% chance to spawn during the day and 20% chance during the night.

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Double Chester:

  • Double Chester has 40 health ,has medium speed and deals 10 attack damage.
  • On death will drop 2x chests ,it will spawn in most biomes and will have 5% chance to spawn during the day and 10% chance during the night.

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Xmas Chester:

  • Xmas Chester has 20 health ,has medium speed and deals 5 attack damage.
  • On death will drop chest ,it will spawn in most cold biomes and will have 10% chance to spawn during the night.

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End Chester:

  • End Chester has 40 health and has medium speed, will deal 8 damage on hit.
  • They have ability to teleport around the world.
  • On death will drop ender chest ,it will spawn in the end and will have 20% chance to spawn.

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Half Zombie:

  • Half Zombie has 10 health, has slow speed and will deal 1.5 damage per hit.
  • Story says that some zombies has been affected by toxic waste that players leave around the world and half of them burned and only left half is left.
  • On death will drop same items as zombies, and has 60% chance spawn anywhere in overworld.

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Mutated Creeper:

  • Mutated Creeper has 20 health and medium speed, has 4x times bigger explosion and 12x times when charged.
  • Story says that when some of creepers were being born some unknown liquid has fallen on them and made baby creepers to have 4 heads instead of one.
  • On death will drop same items as creepers, and has 50% chance to spawn anywhere in overworld.

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  • Gnoll has 20 health ,has fast speed and will deal 6 attack damage.
  • These creatures are evolution of wolves who became tired of players tirany, wolves has been evolving since 600 years ago and now they are even more powerful.

Baby Gnolls:

  • Baby Gnolls will jump around and punch and kick their foes , Adults will simply just punch them as they have less energy then their kids.
  • On death will drop logs, flint and leather, has 20% chance to spawn in any forests as a baby or adult.

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  • SlimeClops has 20 base health multiplied by size(max is 3x) will have speed and damage depending on their size.
  • These ancient creatures existed for 300 years it’s a evolution of slimes while being affected by terrain and air changes around them.
  • Tiny Slimeclopses when their will reach below 10 health they will become enraged and 2x times more powerfull.
  • Huge Slimeclopses will knock their enemies in to the air.
  • On death will drop slimeballs when killed in their smallest size, they have 10% chance to spawn in swamps.

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  • Mushroom (Overworld) has 5 health ,has fast speed and will deal 1 damage per hit.
  • Mushroom (Nether) has 20 health, has medium speed and will deal 0.5 damage + fall damage per hit.
  • These creatures are mushrooms possesed by ancient spirits who seek revenge on the player.
  • While raining Overworld mushrooms will mutate to giant beasts that will have 100 health, will deal 15 damage per hit and will be immune to everything except magic.
  • Nether Mushrooms will not be able to mutate they will pick their enemies up and will try to throw them into lava and when thrown their opponents will recieve fall damage.
  • On death they will drop their type specific item (mushroom or netherwart).
  • Nether Mushrooms will not able to survive in overworld and will dissapear and Overworld Mushrooms will not able to survive in the nether as well.
  • Overworld Mushrooms will have 30% chance to spawn in forests,swamps and mycelium islands.
  • Nether Mushroom will have 20% chance to spawn in nether.

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  • Ghoul has 5 health and fast speed, this creature will lunge forward it targets and poke them with it’s powerfull trident and deal 1 damage also will burn them.
  • This creature has unknown origin , even though it looks small it most likely is over 5.000 years as it appeared before The Wither has awaken, so origin and age is truly unknown.
  • On death will drop broken demonic trident and fire shards, has 60% chance to spawn in the nether.

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The Great Hunger:

  • The Great Hunger has 14 health, fast speed and will deal 3 damage per hit.
  • This beast always hungry, he will eat doors, villagers, animals and even crops, also every item in it’s path will be eaten as well, don’t let this creature touch you or it may do something bad!
  • This creature also has magic powers that will allow it to bite off your potion effects and it will get them as well.
    On death will drop Flint, has 30% chance to spawn in deserts, mesa, savanas and other hot biomes.

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  • Turtle this is a first passive mob in the mod that can be ridden and has male and female genders.
  • Both genders have 3 growth stages:
    • Baby(Male Turtle has 7 health and Female Turtle has 5 health, both genders have really tiny size even smaller then a silverfish, they will reach teen size in 1000 ticks when first born).
    • Teen(Male Turtle has 15 health and Female Turtle has 10 health, both genders has grown 2x times bigger then silverfish, they will become adults in 6000ticks).
    • Adult(Male Turtle has 150 health and Female has 100 health, Males now can be ridden by 2 players or 2 mobs at the same time, Females nothing special at least for now, they both have same size as a cow).
  • Male Turtles have white shell , while females have pink shell.
  • Currently they drop nothing, and they have 60% chance to spawn in oceans, deep oceans, beaches and savanas, also mesa at day time.

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Gold Hoarder:

  • Gold Hoarder has 20 health, has fast speed and is second passive mob that will run instead of attacking.
  • Story says that this creature was once human and then he was cursed by Witch and transformed into this creature because of his love to gold.
  • Has 15% chance of spawning in any hot biomes during the day.
  • Will drop gold blocks or sometimes fake gold blocks on death.

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Mr Creeping Bomb:

  • Mr Creeping Bomb has 10 health, and has fast speed , explodes on attack.
  • This creature was a first of expirements made by villagers before Iron Golem, this expirement failed though.
  • Creeping Bomb turned on their creators and killed them.
  • Drops Nothing.
  • Has 10% chance to spawn in any Plains biome.

Mr Exploding Bomb:

  • Mr Exploding Bomb has 10 health and slow speed, puffs up and then explodes on attack.
  • This creature was second failed experiment from villagers, villagers though that pufferfish was a good idea to add in.
  • Before exploding this creature can grow up to 10 times of size and increase the explosion radius as well.
  • Drops Nothing.
  • Has 5% chance to spawn in any Plains biome.

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Nether Brain:

  • Nether Brain has 40 health and medium speed, will dash at you, shoot fireballs and large fireball as well.
  • Story says that this creature came from space, it’s not sure from which planet because he is already over 1000 years old.
  • Will Drop Magma Blocks & Fire Shards on death.
  • Has 10% chance to spawn in Nether.

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Jungle Beast:

  • Jungle Beast has 20 health and fast speed, is one of ancient tribal warriors of the jungle.
  • Will spit melon seeds and lunge at you as well, Seeds will heal him.
  • This creature is one of first mobs that started living on earth and even after 2 million years they still exsist.
    Will drop Cobblestone & Melon Seeds on death.
  • Has 20% chance to spawn at Jungle on night.

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Magma Blocky Monster:

  • Has 40 health and fast speed, deals 6 damage per hit, this creature is a combination of silverfish and living block combined.
  • These creatures will inhabit certain blocks like Ores, Obsidian and many more!
  • Will set enemies on fire on attack and will only spawn from Magma blocks.
  • Will drop Magma blocks on death.
  • Can only spawn when special magma blocks are broken.

Netherrack Blocky Monster:

  • Has 20 health and fast speed, deals 5 damage per hit, this creature is a combination of silverfish and living block combined.
  • These creatures will inhabit certain blocks like Ores, Obsidian and many more!
  • Will drop Netherrack on death.
  • Can only spawn when special netherrack are broken.

Obsidian Blocky Monster:

  • Has 60 health and fast speed, deals 8 damage per hit, this creature is a combination of silverfish and living block combined.
  • Has 20 armor points and doesn’t take knockback, is like a small tank.
  • These creatures will inhabit certain blocks like Ores, Obsidian and many more!
  • Will drop Obsidian on death.
  • Can only spawn when special obsidian are broken.

Ore Blocky Monster:

  • Has 40 health and fast speed, deals 6 damage per hit, this creature is a combination of silverfish and living block combined.
  • These creatures will inhabit Ores!
  • Will drop Material depending on their current type.
  • Can only spawn when special ore or stone blocks are broken.

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Bone Cocon:

  • Has 40 health and medium speed, will deal 5 damage per hit.
  • This creature has unknown origin as he is basically made from bones, so most likely it’s somekind dead wolf or another animal.
  • Drops bones on death.
  • Can spawn in any forest biome and the nether, has 20% chance of spawning.

Wither Bone Cocon:

  • Has 40 health and medium speed, will deal 5 damage per hit also withers enemies and is immune to fire.
  • This creature has unknown origin as he is basically made from bones, so most likely it’s somekind dead wolf or another animal.
  • Drops withering bones on death.
  • Can spawn in the nether, has 10% chance of spawning.

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Fire Imp:

  • Has 10 health, will fly around and attack enemies from the sky, will deal 3 damage per hit and set them on fire as well.
  • This creature is one of devils minnions he will protect Nether from players, will try to fly around them and evade their attacks.
  • Drops Fire Imp’s Wing and Fire shards on death.
  • Has 40% chance to spawn in the nether.

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Demonic Ender Eye:

  • Has 20 health, will deal 3 damage per hit and will fly around the end and try to push player to the void.
  • Also can teleport around and will spawn in groups up to 5 eyes in one group.
  • Drops Ender Eye on death.
  • Has 15% chance to spawn in the end.

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Cave Spider Tribesman:

  • Has 16 health and has medium speed, will deal 5 damage per hit and shoot poison strings from mouth.
  • Cave Spiders because of their enviroment started to evolve into more humanoid like creatures and they managed to do it!
  • Will drop string & spider eyes on death.
  • Has 20% chance to spawn in any forests and jungle.

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Infernus Beast:

  • Has 60 health and has fast speed also deals 5 damage per hit.
  • This creature’s origin is a mistery as he was found inhabiting lava pools in the nether.
  • Drops infernus eye & fire shards as well.
  • Has 12% chance to spawn in the nether.

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Pingu The Penguin:

  • Has 10 health points and is breedable with fish and will follow player that will hold snowballs or fish.
  • This is second passive mob in game, that at least now doesn’t fight back and will spawn in igloos in snow biomes.

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Desert Pyramid – husks and skeleton cocons will inhabit this place , there might be some traps and treasures as well.

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Hunter’s House – This is the best place to get some amazing stuff, and no it’s not a lie, just press the pressure plate!

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Magma Monument – The only place where you may find Ancient Magma Crates, has 10% chance to spawn in Nether , in lava lakes.

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Ice Monument – The only place where you may find Ancient Ice Crates, has 10% chance to spawn in snowy biomes.

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Ender Monument – The only place where you may find Ancient Ender Crates, has 10% chance to spawn in end and 2% chance to spawn in plains (Will look different in plains).

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Snowy Igloo – Penguins will inhabit this place and you may find something in the furnace and if you dig down below it!

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Bone House – This house will generate in Nether near soul sand and sometimes will have some skeletons inside it.

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Wither Bone House – This house will generate in Nether near soul sand and sometimes will have some wither skeletons inside it.

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Ice Palace – This place will have some great loot inside it, but it will be really rare! so don’t try to find it in one try!

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Jungle Beast’s Monument – It was build by Jungle inhabitants, little jungle beasts who may hide something inside of it.

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Minecraft Forge

How to install:

How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
How To Download & Install Fabric Mods

More Creatures Mod 1.12.2 Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12

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Resource Packs

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1.8.9 Resource Packs

1.7.10 Resource Packs

1.18.1 Resource Packs

1.17.1 Resource Packs

1.14.4 Resource Packs

1.13.2 Resource Packs

1.11.2 Resource Packs

1.10.2 Resource Packs

1.9.4 Resource Packs


1.19.4 Shaders

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Data Packs

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1.18.1 Data Packs

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1.13.2 Data Packs


Mods & Addons

MCPE 1.19 Add-ons

MCPE 1.19 Mods

Texture Packs

MCPE 1.19 Texture Packs

MCPE 1.19 Resource Packs


MCPE 1.19 Maps


MCPE 1.19 Clients

Mod Menu Clients


MCPE 1.19 Shaders

Render Dragon Shaders


Skin Packs


1.19.4 Clients

1.19.3 Clients

1.19.2 Clients

1.18.2 Clients

1.16.5 Clients

1.12.2 Clients

1.8.9 Clients


1.19.4 Launchers

1.19.3 Launchers

1.19.2 Launchers

1.18.2 Launchers

1.16.5 Launchers

1.12.2 Launchers

1.7.10 Launchers


1.19.4 Seeds

1.19.3 Seeds

1.19.2 Seeds

1.18.2 Seeds



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