Paper Currency Plugin
Paper Currency Plugin (1.19.4, 1.18.2) is a basic plugin designed for handling in-game currency, which includes a feature to prevent any duplication of currency.
- easy to use
- just right click to redeem
- Vault support (economy/money)
- anti-dupe
- add any material
- withdraw any amount
- punishment for dupe
- min and max limits
- tax on banknotes
- max withdraw
- discord webhook alert
- per rank sound
- glow in currency
- minimessage/actionbar and title display
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugin’s directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.