Protocol String Replacer Plugin
Protocol String Replacer Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) is a plugin in Minecraft that manages and modifies in-game text strings. This plugin allows players to customize messages, item names, signs, and much more. By using ProtocolStringReplacer, players can create a completely unique and personalized gaming experience. It’s a great tool for those who want to control and create their own world.
- We have a `/psr capture` command to let you simply copy the original texts.
- Edit 1.19.0-1.19.2 ChatPreview Component
- Edit Item full NBT, DisplayName and Lore
- Edit TabComplete Strings
- Edit Combat Died(Death Screen) Message
- Edit Kick Disconnect Message
- Edit Book Contents / Author
- Edit Boss-Bar Texts
- Edit Sign full NBT, 4/8 Text Lines
- Edit ScoreBoard Texts
- Edit Console Messages
- Edit Title Messages
- Edit Chat Messages
- Edit Window-Title Texts
- Edit Entity name
- Support Convert PLAYER_CHAT packets to SYSTEM_CHAT packets, to make sure replacements on 1.19. (Side Effect: Clients cannot detect the player who sent the messages. E.g. cannot report players via chat)
- Support Replace strings, or just block that packet!
- Use Aho-Corasick Algorithm for string replace! It’s crazy fast!
- Will not increase the bandwidth pressure of the server! All replacements are processed on the original packet.
- Support editing Json , and Intelligent processing of Json,
- Will not break any extra contents(e.g. HoverEvent) in messages.
- ItemMeta cache System, only needs 1ms for processing ItemStacks in a window.
- Edit the replaces and blocks in game.
- You can create multiple replacer configs for greater legibility.
- Safe placeholder replacement system.
- Full hot-load and hot-unload support.
- Filter System(Client locale, permission and many else).
- /psr help – List all the commands
- /psr edit – Replacer configs editor in game
- /psr parse – Test replacing strings
- /psr capture – Capture contents in packets
- /psr reload – Reload replacer configs
- protocolstringreplacer.command.edit – Allow to use edit commands
- protocolstringreplacer.command.parse – Allow to use parse commands
- protocolstringreplacer.command.reload – Allow to use reload commands
- protocolstringreplacer.command.capture – Allow to use capture commands
- protocolstringreplacer.feature.usermetacache – Restore original itemstack when receive packet from player to avoid errors in Creative gamemode.
- protocolstringreplacer.feature.usermetacache.noncreative – Same with above, but for other gamemodes. To avoid errors caused by other plugins usually.
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your pluginâs directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.