SCP Craft 2: Reincarnation Mod 1.7.10 is based on the universe of “SCP” Foundation” (Secret federal organization, which is engaged in capturing and supervision abnormal things) and a minecraft mod SCP Craft. SCP Craft 2: Reincarnation mod adds various amount of different anomalies called SCP’s and marked in format “SCP-XXX”.

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Regular and Decorative Blocks:
- Ventilation Block
- Concrete
- Reinforced Iron Block
- Corroded RIB
- Granite (contains SCP-409)
- ‘Strange Substance’
- Iron Wool
- Electrical Wool (Emits Redstone Signal)
- Iron Grid
- Armed Glass
- Jelly (Contains SCP-513)
- Table
- Chair
- CCTV Camera
- Searchlight
- Barbed Wire (Acts like combination of Cacti and Cobweb)

- SCP-009 – Red Crystall, spreads over your world by replacing air blocks.
- SCP-409 – Infection Crystall, spreads over your world by replacing all blocks, except Granite and Bedrock.
- SCP-002 – Living Room, Bone and Flash Blocks (Unfinished).
- SCP-914 – Clockwork Machine, Items exchange depending on settings (unfinished).
- SCP-143 – Bladewood, Log, Planks, Leaves and Sappling.
- SCP-019 – Monster Vial, spawns SCP-019-1s.
- SCP-513 – Makes you paranoic.

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Regular (Yet Unused) Items:
- Wrench
- Omniwrench
- Keycards (I, II, III and Omni).

- SCP-427 – Lovecraftians’ Locket, heals you on RightClick, has recharge cycle.
- SCP-458 – Infinity Box Piece of Pizza, can be eaten countless times.
- SCP-209 – Infinity Flask, can pour out endless ammount of water.
- SCP-068 – ‘The World’s Best TothBrush [sic]’, it is a MULTITOOL o_O
- SCP-500 – Cures all vanilla Debuffs and gives you some positive ones.
- SCP-217 – Clockwork Virus (Unfinished)
- SCP-420-J – Try it yourself ;D
- SCP-714 – Jade Ring, gives you endless debuffs while liesin your pocket.
- SCP-005 – Latchkey (Unfinished).
- SCP-008 – Zombie Virus, gives you realy BAD Debuffs and almost everytime kills you (Can be cured with SCP-500).
- SCP-004-2-13 – Rusted Keys (Unfinished).
- SCP-1023-ARC – Broken Jian, deals 10000 Damage and will destroy every SCP in one hit (If in creative mod).

D-Class personnel suit:

Guards Armor:

How to install SCP Craft 2: Reincarnation Mod 1.7.10
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Download the mod.
- Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
- If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
- Enjoy the mod.
Download Links for SCP Craft 2: Reincarnation Mod 1.7.10
For Minecraft 1.7.10
Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2