Stackmobs Plugin
StackMobs Plugin (1.12.2) is a plugin that reduces the strain of mobs on your server by ‘stacking’ them together, therefore you can have 1 entity instead of 30 entities.
- Put all the mobs of the same type in a single body!
- Drops items/xp equivalent to the number of mobs in a single body
- Slime grows with quantity
StackMaximo: 0 #Max of Mobs in one body
Tags: #All tags
Servidor: ‘&0[&1ServerName&0]&f ‘
DisplayMobs: ‘&a&lx@VALOR’
Mensagens: #Messages
Msg: ‘&aParabens, voce acabou de matar varios mobs de uma vez!’
Ativo: true
Nessesario: 100
Modificadores: #Possibles Modifications
BigSlime: #Slime grows
Ativo: true
Pequeno: 0
Medio: 20
Grande: 100
Gigante: 1000
BlackListItens: #Black list of droped items
Mobs: #Possible Stack Mobs
Add in future:
- on/off plugin option
- Command /MS reset
- Commands to edit Stacable mobs list
- command to on/off totens option [Iron golem/snowman]
- option to on/off totens creation in config.yml
- define killall or kill in quantity option in config.yml
- summon mobs command
- slime decreases if death [kill in quantity active]
- custom Drops
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugins directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.