Thaumic Bases Mod
Thaumic Bases Mod (1.8.9, 1.7.10) is a big addon to Thaumcraft Mod which presents lots of various content. It aims to add some missing features from Thaumcraft, for example Thaumic Nature. Adding the add-on into Thaumcraft significantly enhances the gaming experience and prolongs the lifespan of a server. This addon is made with very high quality, you won’t see poorly made items and other junk that are found in some other addons. This addon won’t change the game mechanics much, but it will introduce many items for a more interesting Thaumcraft playthrough.
- Lots of magical plants this mod introduces allows the player to grow the materials which are traditionally hard to obtain. These plants are not game-breaking, they are nicely balanced to give more comfort to the player in terms of playing with Thaumcraft 4 and with other addons. For example, some sort of Milk which can remove effects of Warp the player has – Rosehip Syrup.
- Many decoration blocks, all of them act as Infusion Stabilizers, which make them additionally useful things to have at the base. Some of the decorative blocks mimic the old alpha and beta textures vanilla blocks used to have, for example orange Block of Gold texture returned in Ancient Gold Block.
- A very powerful and deeply customisable Thaumaturge’s Revolver – perfect ranged weapon for all needs.
- Very useful machines, allowing the player to push the limits of Minecraft and Thaumcraft 4. Fortune IV on the pickaxe and other cool enchantments becomes available with Overchanting Table. Always wanted a 3000 Vis Bright Hungry Aura Node at the base advanced thaumaturges are very proud to have, but can’t find one? No problem, with Node Manipulation and Node Linking this wonderful node can be created from the worst nodes which have no usage, it just requires some time and patience.
- Keen on using Wand Foci? The bracelets which provide massive discount and greately increase the potency of foci applied to them will definately be handy. They even hide with the player under Invisibility potion effect.
- Hate spending time on potions but still want the cool buffs they provide? Try Magic Tobacco! 100% safe for the health and provides powerful lv2 buffs for more than 6 minutes. Can even wipe the player’s Temporary Warp instantly.
How to install:
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Thaumic Bases Mod (1.8.9, 1.7.10) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.7.10
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.8.9
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2