First steps into the past and future:
To start in TimeTraveler, find a Paradox Structure. In the altar in the center is a Paradox Cube; you will need NINE of them to make the Time Machine. On top of the Paradox Structure is a chest containing a Paradoximer; you only need ONE. Once you collect all nine Paradox Cubes, put them in a 3×3 crafting table in a square pattern to create the Time Machine!
Commands and Controls:
To travel to the future, right click with the Paradoximer in hand. This will open up a GUI with a few buttons and a text box. Enter the number of years you want to go to the future, and you’re good to go! Do note that the more years you’re traveling, the longer it will take! To travel to the past, right click on the Time Machine to enter it. Right click again to open up the GUI. Click on the time zone you want to go to, and click Travel! Also note that the most recent time saved is still being written, so DO NOT go to the newest time zone!
Time Periods:
Time zones are saved under the “/mods/TimeMod/” directory. For the future, one time zone is equivalent to one “year”. One time zone in the past is equivalent to 1200 ticks in game. Time zones are an aspect of this mod that are definitely going to be expanded upon in the future; at the moment, they are simply a way to track and categorize the times, but eventually controlling and maniuplating these Time Periods will be a crucial part of the mod.
Recording blocks Placed / Destroyed / Updated by Mobs / Players:
When a player destroys or places a block, the type of block, metadata, and coordinates are recorded and saved in the player’s .ppd file (more on those later). When the player travels to the past, they will see themselves placing and destroying blocks EXACTLY as they did before. Tracking blocks placed by mobs has not been implemented, but should be due in the next couple of patches or so.
Player path finding and path finding waypoints:
Movement, held items, thrown items, and head rotation are all tracked for replaying during the past. The player, upon traveling to the past, can see themselves moving around, throwing items, holding items, looking around, and doing the normal things players do. Currently, ONLY THE PLAYER is being tracked; in the next few patches mob tracking will be implemented.
Paradoxes, Instant Death, and Reloading:
A paradox will happen whenever a player mines a block. Every time a paradox occurs, a bar in the upper left of the screen increases. Each block has it’s own “value” of paradox; for example, mining one diamond ore could equal 80 paradox, while one cobblestone could count for 8 paradox. Breaking a Time Machine will INSTANTLY kick you back to the present. When the player’s paradox bar becomes filled, the player is sent back to the present with no paradox. If the player manages to return to the present by letting time run out, they retain the amount of paradox they obtained. Paradox can be collected from the player by using a Paradox Extractor; an Empty Bottle is necessary to contain the paradox, however. Once the player has bottled the paradox, it can be run through the Paradox Condenser to form Condensed Paradox, or to duplicate items. However, as soon as the Condenser is closed, all excess paradox is diffused into timespace, so be sure you have a good amount for what you want to do! Paradox will be used in useful items and blocks in the future; expect some in the next few patches. Due to paradoxes having occurred, however, negative events will begin to occur. The more paradox, the worse the consequences are.
Current Paradox Consequences:
Paradox Hunter:

The mob stats are as follows:
- Move speed: 25% faster than the player (0.75F)
- Attack strength: 5 hearts
- Max health: 20 hearts (twice that of the player)
- Armor value: 20 (full armor bar)
The mob has a rare drop of 1 Condensed Paradox. These also spawn naturally (very rare).